Discover the Hidden Gems of Australia's Cocos Keeling Islands

Discover the Hidden Gems of Australia’s Cocos Keeling Islands

Have you ever imagined a place so remote and unexplored that it feels like a dream?

Uncover the beauty of Australia’s remote Cocos Keeling Islands, a stunning archipelago that has remained relatively unknown to the nation. Join us on a journey to this far-flung paradise, where pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and fascinating cultural experiences await.

Discover the Hidden Gems of Australia's Cocos Keeling Islands

Imagine a place so remote and picturesque that it feels like a screensaver come to life. That’s exactly what you’ll find in the Cocos Keeling Islands, a hidden gem of Australia’s Indian Ocean territories. Despite its breathtaking beauty, these islands have yet to capture the attention of the nation.

Located closer to Sumatra than Perth, the Cocos Keeling Islands are a collection of 27 islands spread over two small coral atolls. Surprisingly, they are federally represented by NT senators and use WA postcodes and local laws. This unique blend of influences adds to the intrigue of visiting these enchanting islands.

Getting to the Cocos Keeling Islands is an adventure in itself. You’ll embark on a special flight from Perth that takes you to both Cocos and Christmas Island, keeping you on the edge of your seat. Along the way, you’ll witness the quirks and challenges of living on these remote territories. From irregular freight shipments to limited restaurant availability, island life is full of surprises.

Once you arrive, you’ll be greeted by the contrasting cultures of West Island and Home Island. West Island is dotted with charming beach houses and cottages, while Home Island is home to the predominantly Cocos Malay population. The history of the islands is deeply intertwined with the Clunies-Ross family, who established coconut plantations for copra production in the 19th century. Today, their influence can still be seen in the palm plantations and the iconic Oceania House.

But it’s not just the history that draws visitors to these islands. Outdoor adventures abound, from snorkeling in the pristine waters to participating in beach clean-ups and canoe safaris. You can support the local community by visiting the Cocos Artisans Collective and the Big Barge Art Centre, where you’ll find unique handmade products and art created from ocean plastic.

As you engage with the relaxed and self-reliant island community, you’ll come to appreciate the hidden treasures of the Cocos Keeling Islands. This small-scale destination may not have over-water bungalow resorts, but it offers something far more valuable – a genuine connection to the place and its people.

So, the next time you’re filling out that pesky little yellow Incoming Passenger Card, remember to check ‘returning resident to Australia’ and proudly declare the Cocos Keeling Islands as the place where you spent your time abroad.

Embark on a journey to the Cocos Keeling Islands and uncover a world of natural beauty, cultural richness, and unforgettable experiences.

Discover the Hidden Gems of Australia's Cocos Keeling Islands

  • Cocos Keeling Islands are a group of 27 islands located closer to Sumatra than Perth
  • The islands are federally represented by NT senators and use WA postcodes and local laws
  • Visiting the islands involves a unique flight from Perth to Cocos and Christmas Island
  • Enjoy the charm and quirks of island life, like irregular freight shipments and limited restaurant availability
  • Explore the contrasting cultures of West Island and Home Island
  • Learn about the islands’ history and the influence of the Clunies-Ross family
  • Embark on outdoor adventures like snorkeling, canoe safaris, and beach clean-ups
  • Support local businesses and artisans during your stay
  • Experience the relaxed, self-reliant nature of the island community

Discover the Hidden Gems of Australia's Cocos Keeling Islands

The Cocos Keeling Islands are a true hidden treasure of Australia. From the remote beauty of the islands to the fascinating history and vibrant culture, there is so much to discover. Engage with the local community, support local businesses, and embrace the relaxed island lifestyle. Are you ready to embark on this unforgettable adventure?

By Paul Hughes

Paul Hughes is an accomplished travel journalist known for his captivating stories and insightful exploration of destinations worldwide. With a deep love for travel and a curiosity for different cultures, Paul has embarked on countless adventures, immersing himself in diverse landscapes and communities. His wanderlust led him to pursue a career in travel journalism, where he skillfully captures the essence of each place he visits.