Epic Travel Fail: The Day I Realized I Left My Luggage 300 Kilometers Away

Epic Travel Fail: The Day I Realized I Left My Luggage 300 Kilometers Away

Have you ever experienced a travel fail that left you in a state of panic?

Embarking on my journey to Fes in Morocco, I encounter setbacks and a series of unfortunate events that foreshadow the mishap to come. Join me as I recount the epic travel fail that left me stranded without my luggage.

Epic Travel Fail: The Day I Realized I Left My Luggage 300 Kilometers Away

Arriving in Casablanca from Perth, I am eager to continue my adventure in Fes. Little did I know that the journey ahead would be filled with unexpected obstacles and an unforgettable travel fail.

After being told that the train to Fes is fully booked, I reluctantly accept a spot on the 6.30pm train in first class. With an hour to spare, I find solace in a station cafe, creating a protective fortress around my bags.

As the time to board the train approaches, I am faced with a dilemma – use the restroom and risk missing the train or hold it in uncomfortably. Choosing the former, I leave my suitcase outside the cubicle, hoping that no one would dare to steal it.

Boarding the train, I settle into my seat and attempt to get some sleep. However, my peaceful slumber is abruptly interrupted by a nagging feeling. Panic sets in as I realize that my bags are nowhere to be found.

In a state of shock, I struggle to find the words to explain the situation to my fellow passengers. Thankfully, a kind stranger assists by translating my distress to a train officer. I can’t help but feel embarrassed, but I push those feelings aside in order to find a solution.

Using a tracking app, I discover that my bag is still in Casablanca, left behind at the train station. While relieved that my bag is safe, I am faced with the realization that I must return to Casablanca to retrieve it.

After a grueling train ride back to Casablanca, I am finally reunited with my belongings. The ordeal is over, or so I thought.

Upon arriving home in Perth, I eagerly await the arrival of my luggage at the baggage claim. To my dismay, I find out that my bag is still stuck in Marrakesh.

In the end, my travel fail serves as a reminder to always double-check and ensure that my luggage is with me. Despite the mishaps, I am grateful for the lessons learned and the unforgettable memories made along the way.

  • Arriving in Casablanca, I am informed that the train is fully booked and I must wait for the next one
  • While waiting, I create a fortress with my bags at a station cafe
  • Boarding the train, I drift off to sleep only to wake up in a panic realizing I left my luggage behind
  • Using an app, I discover that my bag is still in Casablanca, 300 kilometers away
  • Returning to Casablanca the following day, I am reunited with my bag
  • Upon returning home, I find out that my bag is still in Marrakesh

Travel mishaps can happen to anyone, even the most experienced adventurers. It’s how we handle these setbacks that truly define our travel experiences. So, the next time you embark on a journey, remember to pack your bags and double-check before you leave. After all, it’s better to be safe than stranded without your luggage.

By Paul Hughes

Paul Hughes is an accomplished travel journalist known for his captivating stories and insightful exploration of destinations worldwide. With a deep love for travel and a curiosity for different cultures, Paul has embarked on countless adventures, immersing himself in diverse landscapes and communities. His wanderlust led him to pursue a career in travel journalism, where he skillfully captures the essence of each place he visits.