The Top 10 English Habits That Leave Australians Bemused

The Top 10 English Habits That Leave Australians Bemused

What other country can leave you scratching your head like England?

England has always been a popular destination for Australian travelers, but there are some habits and quirks of the English that still leave us scratching our heads. From awkward place names to their obsession with tea, here are the top 10 things about England that we just can’t understand.

The Top 10 English Habits That Leave Australians Bemused

Awkward place names: Medieval place names in England can be quite amusing, often with risqué or entertaining origins. From Minge Lane to Scratchy Bottom, the English seem to have a knack for coming up with embarrassing place names. It’s a mystery why these names are left unchanged, but it’s best not to draw any more attention to them.

Tea drinking: The English have a deep love for tea, but it’s perplexing why they settle for mediocre tea bags. Despite their obsession with tea, more than 97% of all the tea consumed in England is made with tea bags, and often diluted with milk. It’s a mystery why they don’t strive for a better cuppa.

Understatement: The English are known for their understatement, using words like ‘quite’ and ‘rather’ to describe things. They rarely state things plainly or resolutely, which can make it difficult to gauge their true feelings or intentions. Don’t count on a hot date if an Englishman says he might join you later.

Sun worship: The English go wild when the sun comes out, even if it’s not particularly warm. They’ll be out barbecuing, lying on stony beaches, or crowding outside pubs in shorts and singlets. It’s hard for Australians to understand this fervor for the sun, especially when they stay out until they turn the color of an angry lobster.

Confusing England with the United Kingdom: Many people confuse England with the United Kingdom, but they are not the same. England is not a sovereign nation and does not have its own parliament or assembly like Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The English often use the terms ‘England’ or ‘English’ when they should be referring to ‘Britain’ or ‘British.’ It can be quite confusing.

Weather talk: The English love to talk about the weather, even though it’s often considered a boring topic. They’ll describe the rainfall in great detail, which can be attributed to the famously unpredictable weather in England. Whether it’s due to social inhibition or genuine interest, it’s best to brush up on your expressions for describing rainfall before visiting.

Making do: Despite having the sixth-largest economy in the world, the English are experts at making do with what they have. They live as if rationing and frugality are still necessary, resulting in lukewarm bedrooms, frigid bathrooms, and small meals. It’s best not to mention this, as you’ll be told not to complain.

Obsession with the royals: The English have an enduring fascination with the royal family. Local newspapers and magazines are filled with stories about them, often based on rumor and speculation. It’s hard to understand this obsession with a talentless, privileged family, but the English continue to show their enthusiasm for the royals.

Feeling sorry: Apologizing is a common occurrence in England, as the average English person says sorry eight times a day. It’s a cultural norm, even though it doesn’t necessarily mean they feel more remorse. In fact, psychologists say that the English apologize more than any other nationality, except the Japanese.

Carpet in bathrooms: One habit that baffles many Australians is the use of carpet in English bathrooms. This perplexing fashion, which reached its peak in the 1980s, has not completely died out. It’s not the most hygienic choice, but it may be a solution to poor central heating and draughts.

The Top 10 English Habits That Leave Australians Bemused

  • Awkward medieval place names that linger on
  • Why settle for mediocre tea bags?
  • The English love their understatement
  • The sun brings out the wild side of the English
  • The confusion between England and the United Kingdom
  • The constant obsession with the weather
  • The English are experts at making do
  • The enduring fascination with the royal family
  • The English apologize more than any other nationality
  • Carpet in bathrooms, a perplexing choice

The Top 10 English Habits That Leave Australians Bemused

England is a country full of quirks and habits that leave Australians bemused. From awkward place names to their love for mediocre tea bags, the English never fail to surprise. Whether it’s their obsession with the royals or their constant apologies, England will always be a source of fascination for Australians. So, next time you visit, don’t forget to enjoy some tea in a tearoom and brush up on your expressions for describing the weather. After all, where else can you find a country with names like Minge Lane and Scratchy Bottom?

By Paul Hughes

Paul Hughes is an accomplished travel journalist known for his captivating stories and insightful exploration of destinations worldwide. With a deep love for travel and a curiosity for different cultures, Paul has embarked on countless adventures, immersing himself in diverse landscapes and communities. His wanderlust led him to pursue a career in travel journalism, where he skillfully captures the essence of each place he visits.