Exploring Victoria: A Green Route Through British Columbia's Capital

Exploring Victoria: A Green Route Through British Columbia’s Capital

Ready to embark on your own green adventure through Victoria?

When passengers dock at Victoria on Vancouver Island, they flock to the famous Butchart Gardens. But for those seeking a different kind of green, a bike ride through the surrounds of British Columbia’s capital offers a unique and scenic experience.

Exploring Victoria: A Green Route Through British Columbia's Capital

As the Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth docks at Victoria, passengers eagerly disembark to visit the famous Butchart Gardens. While the gardens offer a stunning display of greenery, there is another way to experience the natural beauty of British Columbia’s capital: a bike ride. Renting an e-bike, I set off on a green route that follows the coastline for 13 kilometers before looping back inland.

The first stop on my bike ride is James Bay, one of Victoria’s oldest areas known for its grand heritage homes. Here, I also find Fisherman’s Wharf, a charming harbor lined with colorful floating houses and seafood stands, including the popular Barbara’s Fish ‘n Chips. From there, I make a quick detour to Cook Street Village, a picturesque neighborhood with horse chestnut trees, cafes, and boutiques.

Continuing on, I pedal to Ross Bay Cemetery, a beautifully landscaped memorial park that maintains the ambiance of a Victorian-era burial ground. Elaborate tombstones, mausoleums, and angel statues are surrounded by pine, Spanish fir, and cork-bark elm trees. In the spring, the cemetery comes alive with Japanese flowering cherry blossoms, creating a hauntingly beautiful scene.

Following the undulating route along Dallas Road, I arrive at Beacon Hill Park, a public park that houses a 39-meter totem pole carved by First Nations artist Mungo Martin. A visit to Fairfield, named after the historic Fairfield Farm, offers a chance to explore the stunning Abkhazi Garden, created by Prince Abkhazi and his British wife in the 1940s. Known for its afternoon teas, the garden is a hidden gem.

Leaving Fairfield behind, I pass by the prestigious Victoria Golf Club and cruise through the tree-lined streets of Oak Bay. However, it is in Uplands where the true beauty lies. Designed by American landscape architect John Olmsted in 1907, Uplands features serpentine streets, ornamental gate posts, and manicured gardens. Uplands Park, a 30-hectare reserve with bushy trails, is a paradise for nature lovers and offers a glimpse of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Western Canada’s oldest yacht club.

As I approach Rockland, magnificent Victorian mansions greet me, including Government House, the residence of the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. The house is surrounded by 14 hectares of manicured gardens, woodlands, and native plant displays. The walled Victorian Rose Garden is a particular highlight, with its delightful scents and beautiful blooms. Unfortunately, I missed the sunken rose garden, a gift from British rose breeder David Austin.

With time running out, I freewheel my way downhill, return the bike, and rush back to the ship. As I join fellow passengers in the Garden Lounge, I hear them raving about their visit to the Butchart Gardens. Do I feel a tinge of envy? Perhaps. But what I’ve discovered on my green route through Victoria is that this city bursts with blooming beauties of its own.

  • Many passengers on cruises to Victoria visit the Butchart Gardens.
  • A bike ride through Victoria offers a different kind of green experience.
  • The route follows the coastline before returning inland and covers 13 kilometers.
  • Highlights of the bike ride include James Bay, Fisherman’s Wharf, and Beacon Hill Park.
  • Other points of interest include Cook Street Village, Ross Bay Cemetery, and Uplands.
  • Victoria is known for its magnificent Victorian mansions and beautiful gardens.

Exploring Victoria by bike offers a unique and immersive way to experience the city’s natural beauty. From grand heritage homes to charming harbors, stunning gardens, and picturesque neighborhoods, there is always something to discover around every corner. So why not trade the well-trodden path for a green route and see Victoria in a whole new light?

By Paul Hughes

Paul Hughes is an accomplished travel journalist known for his captivating stories and insightful exploration of destinations worldwide. With a deep love for travel and a curiosity for different cultures, Paul has embarked on countless adventures, immersing himself in diverse landscapes and communities. His wanderlust led him to pursue a career in travel journalism, where he skillfully captures the essence of each place he visits.